FTA Fahrzeugtechnik AG
Suhrenmattstrasse 18
5035 Unterentfelden, CH
062 737 04 04,
062 737 04 08,
062 737 04 04
en de fr

Information on Vulkollan®

Frequently asked questions about Vulkollan®

In what hardness is Vulkollan® manufactured?

By default, Vulkollan® is manufactured in 90 or 95 Shore A. 80 Shore A is also produced for specific applications.

As a comparison,

Rubber: 25 to 80 Shore A
Plastics: 55 to 95 Shore A
Vulkollan : 80 - 90 - 95 Shore A

The optimum mechanical and dynamic properties of Vulkollan® are obtained in the hardness 90 Shore A. Vulkollan® 95 Shore A has greater carrying capacity (ca. 15% more than 90 Shore). Vulkollan® 80 Shore A may be a solution if more traction is required on the running surface.

Tensile strength of Vulkollan® compared to other materials?

Vulkollan® has high elongation + high tensile strength + high stiffness. Vulkollan® 90 Shore A has elongation of almost 7x the starting length.

Plastics and metals: high tensile strength + high stiffness, but low elongation and minimum elasticity.

Rubber: high elongation, but low tensile strength and low stiffness.

Is Vulkollan® tear resistant?

Vulkollan® is highly tear resistant.

Vulkollan® is not sensitive to cutting damage: even cut surfaces do not continue to tear, and the material remains functional.

Does Vulkollan® have a longer service life than rubber?

Vulkollan® has extraordinarily good wear resistance and up to 2x less volume loss from wear than natural rubber. To obtain optimum wear-resistance, the temperature must not be too high.

How strong is the adhesion for Vulkollan®?

A special surface treatment guarantees optimum chemical adhesion to all metal surfaces (cast iron, steel, aluminium, stainless steel,...)

At what temperatures can Vulkollan® be used?

Vulkollan® remains elastic and shock-absorbing down to -40 °C. At temperatures up to ca. 125 °C, permanent limitation of most properties occurs with the exception of the modulus of elasticity.

The tear resistance and hence also the wear resistance are therefore also reduced sharply at temperatures above 80 °C. At temperatures above 125 °C, there is permanent damage to the chemical structure.

Can Vulkollan® be processed after manufacturing?

Vulkollan® can still be processed taking the elastic properties of the material into consideration. Turning, milling and drilling should only be carried out by technically experienced employees with the right equipment.

What are the consequences of environmental effects on the quality?

The natural colour of Vulkollan® is yellow-brown.

Because of the Desmodur 15 and under the influence of UV light, the Vulkollan® becomes dark up to black.

Colour changes or even differences do not affect the quality.

Disintegration of Vulkollan® in hot water. How can this be counteracted?

Disintegration of polyurethane in contact with hot water (hydrolysis). In warm and wet conditions, the attack by hydrolysis can be delayed by adding STABAXOL to the Vulkollan®

Flaking when stopped under load. How does Vulkollan® behave?

Compared to other polyurethanes, Vulkollan® has very low permanent deformation.

As a result, Vulkollan® wheels suffer less from “flat edges” or also “Monday morning soles”.

Vulkollan®  = registered trademark from Bayer AG